Sunday, September 13, 2009

Whatever Happened to Common Courtesy?

For the third time in less than two weeks, I've had to ask the same neighbor to PLEASE turn their music down, more specifically, the bass. One would think after two requests these neighbors would figure out what an acceptable volume is for their music. Nope. They really just don't care. I don't understand people anymore. Many feel they have the right to do whatever they want no matter how it affects those around them.

When I worked in Kansas City, I would often find myself sitting next to a car with the bass pounding so hard and so loud that my insides were vibrating! I know there are noise ordinances and under the law most sound systems are illegal, yet they are easily found in any store and rarely do police stop those whose music is way above the legal decibels or they are powerless to do so. People drive through neighborhoods with booming bass that can be heard blocks away yet we have no recourse for this insensitivity and ignorance. All these people think about is status and being cooler than everyone else. Consideration for others does not fit into the equation.

Not only is loud music a problem, but the use of foul language in public. I'll be the first to admit I can curse like a sailor, but I am always aware of my surroundings and try very hard not to subject others to my potty mouth. I've seen both adults and teens, even grade school aged kids just curse up a storm, anyplace, anytime. They curse around young children and elderly people. They could care less who hears them. They have no respect for others and will have no trouble telling anyone off who calls them on it. It's funny though, when you really listen to what they're saying. Oftentimes they interject the "F" word every other time and if you were to remove it from their litany you'd find they really have nothing intelligent to say. It's all just smoke screens.

Another serious pet peeve of mine is spitting on sidewalks and in parking lots. Most of the culprits are men and teens who think it's perfectly fine to spit where others walk. When I was an armed security officer posted at a nearby college campus, I stood outside with the students as they mingled between classes. I couldn't count the number of times people spit on the sidewalk. It was disgusting. These guys thought nothing of it and spit all around the entrance to the building. It was out of my control to do anything about it as the college really didn't care. There were trash barrels close-by, even grassy areas (though I don't appreciate spitting on the grass, either), yet these guys routinely spit on the sidewalk and the parking lot.

Then there are those who think it's okay to let their dogs run freely through the neighborhood because they're either too lazy to take the dog for a walk or don't want to tie them out for awhile. Nothing is more irritating than finding your trash strewn about the yard because a dog's decided to see what's on the menu. In some cases, these dogs are dangerous to other dogs, cats, and people. They can be very territorial and aggressive. If more than one dog is let loose to run, and one is very aggressive, it can draw other dogs in to their aggression, as well. They develop a pack mentality. Even the very best dogs with the very best temperament can turn under the right circumstances. Another thing these idiots don't consider is the safety of their own dog when they let it run. These dogs can get hit by cars are become victim to cruelty by others who think it'll be fun to throw rocks or other heavy objects at them. They may take the dog and do even more unspeakable things to it.

My dogs have escaped my house on more than one occasion for various reasons, but I was quick to get out the door and round them up. One of my dogs is quite aggressive and I would in no way allow him to run and wait til he decided to come home. Regardless, my dogs' safety and the safety of my neighbors is number one, so there's no time to waste in getting them back safely at home.

Something has got to change. Attitudes have got to change. This is not a "me, me, me" world. It has to be a "we, we, we" world where we all think about our actions and how they affect those around us. We are not entitled to all the things we may want. There are limits in order to make ours a civilized society. We've gotten to a point where people think they should be allowed to drive vehicles that get 8 miles to the gallon and have dark tinted windows, where they think they can say what they want when they want, and where the rest of us are expected to put up with their inconsiderate actions. I live by the saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Of course, some would say "The neighbor's music doesn't bother me, so what's the big deal?" Well, that's fine for those folks, but consider the rest of us.

Some of us would just like to be in our homes, our little sanctuary from the rest of the world, without having to be subjected to noise, loose dogs, or other issues that end up on our doorsteps. Some of us would like to get from point A to point B in our cars without having to be bombarded by loud, pounding music or insane driving practices. Some of us would like to be able to walk through parking lots or on sidewalks without stepping on someone's spit or discarded gum. It is not too much to ask and it's not too much to expect.

I've always had this saying "The more intelligent the species, the dummer it gets." Human beings are capable of intelligent thought, of solving complex problems and advancing technology beyond our wildest dreams. Yet, somehow, we can't solve the most basic of issues.

Courtesy. That's all I'm asking for, simple courtesy.


  1. Hello Girl,
    Very well said and written, we will have to bookmark your blog and come back often.
    Are you still wearing the ring? lol,,talk to you soon Jerry at efleaa

  2. Thanks so much, Jerry. Yes, the ring is still on my finger. With all the bad things that have happened lately, I look at it as my little symbol that things will get better. Things are starting to look up, so maybe it's working! I hope you continue to check my blog as I talk about whatever is on my mind, nothing specific. I'm also setting up a separate blog to showcase my Schnozzle comics and info relating to them. I'll let everyone know when it's all done. I hope all is well with you and your wife (hope the pregnancy is coming along smoothly!)
